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On The Balance Of probability

As far as anyone who hasn't been in a Family court is concerned if you are accused of a crime in this country and you are charged you are presumed innocent until proven guilty, If you are found not guilty then that is the end of the matter completely. The law is very black and white in this country, A jury decide the verdict and that is it.

Except in Family courts!

In October 2010 I was falsely accused of assaulting the Mother of my children, The police knew this was a false claim and dismissed it a week later by taking no further action.

Over the next 2 and a half year's I was stopped from seeing my Children because of this false allegation. In January 2013 a Judge in a secret closed court decided on the balance of probability that I had committed this assault. On the reccomendations of Cafcass he ordered I undertake and IDAP course which is designed for convicted offenders as part as criminal punishment and is arranged through probation.

  I refused to do the course as I had done nothing wrong and also had not had the chance to have a fair trial (In line with the Magna Carta and the human rights act).

The judge Ordered that I was to have no contact with the Children until they are 16, At this time we had already spent 14 months in supervised contact, Me and my Children are the longest continuous supervised in contact (2 years) that includes convicted peadophiles who have been ordered to have supervised contact with their kid's.


Please click the logo to view the IDAP course details











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