Kidnapped by Merseyside police for going to the Beatles museumThe Sun - Liverpool Echo The Labour party conference was on in Liverpool from the 25th-28th Of September 2016. On the 27th of September...
Where for art thou Children? A day on Boris Johnson's balcony.The Mirror - Daily Mail - Daily Star - Telegraph - Evening Standard - Scottish Daily record - Get West London - Bob Fm Update case...
My unique conviction for trying to change family lawUpdate conviction overturned on appeal after I completed the community service! 100 hours community service and £670 costs for protesting...
Greenwich anti-Father sexist poster protestMetro - Harrow times - Huffington post - London24 London Live coverage When the Met police Borough commander for Greenwich Helen...
Real family statue protestThe Protest I got to the statue early in the morning, I immediately covered up the faces with pictures of me and my Children and took...
The Prime Ministers secret service removing meAfter over 2 week's of waiting outside David cameron's home in the Cotswolds and still no sight of him. I had almost given up hope of...